Experiment 2. Clean a Liquemin vial, re-label it, make a micro burner

What you will need
Injection bottle 5 ml (Liquemin Roche), water, Leukosilk for labels, tissue paper.
* Left: Empty Liquemin vials for 5 ml Heparin-Natrium are most suitable for your experiments.
           Heparin is a substance produced in the liver (greek: hepar) preventing the circulating blood from clotting.
            Following operations and blood transfusions patients Heparin is injected. Empty bottles are collected.
* With patience and a strong  fingernail you will learn how to loosen the label at one side and finally remove it totally.
   (In the end a piece of tissue paper with some drops of nail-polish remover will be helpful).
* Now the aluminium closure and the rubber stopper are removed by scissors.
* Make the vial full of water.
   Clean stopper and closure. Keep them for the following experiments.
* Hold the vial upwards down: Is the water flowing out?
* Add a drop of washing-up liquid, repeat the experiment.
* Dry the vial with a wick made of tissue paper.
* If you do not remove the paper you have made a micro burner.
* Right: Re-label containers by Leukosilk and write on it by ball-point pen.
1. You know how to make a micro burner,
2. a fitting rubber stopper and a a weight for a two pan scale.
3. You know how to label a container.
4. You know a trick how to distinguish between water and water for  washing.

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