Fo 03 Bee digest household sugar and make glucose from it
Ask an adult to help you for this experiment. Do not forget your goggles and rubber gloves!

Digestion is the decomposition of nutrients: Household sugar decomposes leaving another sugar, called glucose.
* Left: 3 vials contain small quantities of  Fehling solution (F), household sugar (HZ) and bea honey (H).
* Middle:  Sugar (HZL) and honey (HL) were dissolved in 1 ml hot water.
* Right: Add 1 drop of Fehling solution to each of the hot solutions.
* Observation: Only the hot honey solution is transformed into a milky yellow red liquid.
* Explanation: Beas have digested household sugar producing another sugar that reacts with Fehling solution
More explanation using bead models:Experiment 06

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