6. Galvanic Cells with a Pfennig, a tin and the closure of a Cola can
Photos 6.1 - 6.3
Potentials between Cola
can closure, Cola can tin and Pfennig on the skin
1: Closure (Al) //
surface of skin // tin (Fe) 2: tin (Fe)
// surface of skin // Pfennig (Cu)
3: closure (Al) //
surface of skin // Pfennig (Cu)
The skin acts as electrolyte
in three Galvanic Cells. The multimeter shows the potentials between the
three combinations: In the Al/Cu cell the potential is about the sum of
the potentials in the two other cells.
As soon as the multimeter
is switched to current direct currents between 0.5 and 5 microamperes
are flowing from the more noble to the less noble metal.
Electron transfer from the
negative electrodes (anode) to the positive electrodes (interface metal
// electrolyte)
takes place while a current
is observed.