
 is a combination of two words: Micro and Ecology
Micro means very small
The materials used in your experiments are indeed very small:
- glass vials - syringes - drops of water.
          For these experiments it does not matter how old you are, it is no problem  if you are still a child.
          You do not need much money, and only a little space is required.
          You leave only a minimum of  waste from your experiments.
          So you treat your environment with care.
                                            Ecology means dealing with your environment:
You shall carry out experiments investigating the water you drink, the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the soil in which your food is grown.
Photos: For these Heparin vials ask somebody in a clinic.
You may use them to make a micro burner (B), to bread  flies (F) or to grow barley plants (G)  with roots and shoots of up to 20 cm length.
Left: Even a complete distillation apparatus can be assembled from 4 of those vials.