Alternative Hofmann Experiment 1:  Neutral electrolyte, red cabbage juice indicator
Take  safety precautions concerned with electricity. Work on a tray

Materials: Hofmann apparatus with integrated platinum electrodes, stand, 30 Volt DC power supply (alternative power supplies)
Left: 1.  Boil extract a handfull of red cabbage juiceInsert steel electrodes from paper clips into two rubber stoppers.
2. Close a Hofmann Apparatus by these stoppers. 3. Fill the three tubes of the Hofmann with a conc. solution of table salt in red cabbage juice.
4. Connect its electrodes with a 30-Volt power source.
Observations: Gas bubbles at both electrodes (double volume at the negative electrode).Cathode :  The colour of the red cabbage juice changes from blue to green.
Anode:     The colour of the red cabbage juice changes from blue to red.
Explanation:Red: 4 H2O(l)  + 4 e- --> 2 H2(g) + 4 OH-(aq)
               Ox:       2 H 2O(l)  --> O2(g) + 4 H+(aq) + 4 e -
                        Redox:          6 H 2O(l)  --> 2 H2 (g) +  O2 (g)  + 4 OH-(aq) + 4 H+(aq)
Colour change: The different colours of the red cabbage juice result from acid base reactions of coloured compounds called anthocyans (anthos = flower, kyanos = blue). Their cations "are especially interesting because they behave much like the pH indicator..." (S.S.Zumdahl, Chemistry) phenolphthalein. Hugerat.......,,.contact Schwarz............................................. last modification: 25.01.2003