Experimenting, observing, measuring at Istanbul International Small Hands Academy (ISHA)

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y 7. Black felttipped pen contains blue, yellow and pink colours?

1. Make a wick by coiling up a half piece of toilet paper.
2. Cut a small hole into the middle of a filter paper (or a piece of coffee filter).
3. Photo 1: Draw half circles around the hole using a black and a brown STABILO point 88 fine felttipped pen.
4. Photo 2: Drill the wick into the hole of the filter paper,
                  Transfer the wick into a Liquemin ampoule with water.
5. Photo 2 and 3: Observe what happens to the water and to the black and brown colours. DESCRIBE  your observations.
The black and the brown colours of the pens are soluble in water.
The water does not only climb up in the wick but also flows from the center of the filter papers to their rims.
The colours of the two pens are no pure substances but mixtures of blue, yellow, pink and brown colours.
These colours have a different solubility in the water passing through the the half circles (pink and brown disslove best).

Copyright: Peter Schwarz and Regina Kruse-Özcelik...........back..........first published: 27.01.2005 .....last modification: 08.03.2007