6. Distillation

Two  well plates 6, lid for well plate 6, silicone rubber tube 12 cm, needle, microscaled spirit burner (1 mL), 5 mL, 5 mL distillation vial with septum, clamp,  water or ethanol solutions for distillation.
a) Preparation of the distillation system
1. Put into the distillation flask 3-4 mL of  the solution to be distilled.
....This solution can be a Coca-Cola drink, water colored solution (by food dye), ethanol with food dye in it etc.
2. Set  the distillation apparatus as described in the left figure.
b) The distillation process
1. Hold the distillation vial with a clamp and heat it gently over the microburner.
2. The well plate 6 has to be immersed in ice-water.
3. Control the distillation by lifting or lowering the distillation vial.
...The distillate should come out clear. If some color comes out with the distillate, stop the distillation and restart it.
4. When the distillation is over, stop the heating and remove the lid from the collecting well.
....Not doing so causes the drawback of distillate to the distillation flask.
c) Checking the distillate
If the distillate (photo 2)  is pure water, a drop of will turn the colour of  anhydrous CuSO4 into blue and the colour of  CoCl2 paper from blue to red-pink. . If the distillate is Ethanol, it can be burnt with a match. For ethanol, the boiling point can also be determind (microscale method).

For fractional distillation: Please click here

Copyright: Mordechai Livneh .....go on........German.................................last modifications: 12.04.2003