"Gypsum is a very
soft mineral
composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO4·2H2O.
Gypsum occurs in nature as flattened and often twinned crystals
and transparent cleavable masses called selenite.
It may also occur silky and fibrous, in which case it is commonly called satin
spar. Finally it may also be granular or quite compact. In hand-sized
samples, it can be anywhere from transparent to opaque. A very fine-grained
white or lightly-tinted variety of gypsum is called alabaster,
which is prized for ornamental work of various sorts. In arid areas, gypsum
can occur in a flower-like form typically opaque with embedded sand grains
called desert rose." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gypsum).