 Why microscale chemistry experimentation (MCE)?

..... saves chemicals, waste, space, time („didactic money“) during each lesson, before and after it.
..... motivates to do home experimentation,
..... encourages shy girls and boys to get in touch with chemistry.
..... is a first step for understanding ("Explain me something and I will forget /
                                                              show me something and I will remember / let me do it and I will understand").
MCE with syringes, vials and a scale ....
.... because density (an essential property of matter) cannot be measured without syringe and scale.
MCE with packages .....
..... makes sensitive for problems of consuming, Recycling and resources,
..... improves creativity.

 ............................................................................................ Left photo:
ABH = Storage aid  EXT = tray for experiments  1 = Chinese wellplate 6   1a six lids for 1  2 = Egyptian two-pan scale  3 Injection bottles 5mL (Liquemin)
     4 = infusion bottle 50 mL (Imeron 300).

back.........................,,.............................,,,,,,,,,................. .....................last modification: 05.06.2004