W13 Lemon juice corrodes fossiles, egg shells, lime stone, shells, ....

North and south of Hurghada (Egypt) you can find tiny "stone coins" in at the beach "like sand at the sea" Numulite is the greek word for these colonies of protozoa (Foraminiferae).  (In limestone quarries you will find other fossiles all around the world).
* Left: 4 small and 4 very small of these numulites on a German Pfenig-coin:
* Photo 2: Each numulite shows hundreds of small holes. Million years ago each of them was inhabited by one tiny animal.
* Photo 3: Leave a single numulite on the coin and add some drops of lemon juice. * Observation: It looks fizzy around the numulite.
* Photo 4 and right: The size of the numulite decreases while more gas bubbles come out.
Remember: Acid is something that tastes sour and corrodes egg shell relwasing gas.

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