Alternative introduction to chemistry by microscale experimentation
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Chemistry deals with SUBSTANCES, their properties and their change into new substances.
Substances made by plants such as cellulose (cotton, linen) or by animals, such as proteins (wool, silk), and synthetic substances (polyamide, polyester, polyacrylic) are used as fibers which are spun, woven and dyed to make the fabrics of our clothes.
Fabrics, their dyes, washing, drying and ironing are interesting subjects for young people. So student experiments with fabrics are another motivating access to chemistry by activities not only in the school but also at home.
MULTIFIBRE 6 (MF6) is a test fabric. It consists of six different substances (spun cellulose diacetate, bleached cotton ( = cellulose), spun polyamide, spun polyester, spun polyacrylic and worsted wool ( = a protein) woven on a square of 5 x 5 cm (Photo). If MF6 is not available, pieces of white cotton or linen, other fabrics or even white sheep´s wool or a cotton plug are also suitable for the experiments.      
1.  Fabrics ("Stoffe")
  .........      2.  Fuels and burners ("Brenn-Stoff")   .........    4. Water ("Roh-Stoff")

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