What can you do with the Salina babies?

There was enough food in the egg of Salina.
In the right photo you can see the Salona mother. She has more than 100 eggs in front of her tale.
In the  left photo you observe 3 tiny white baies in front of the label 3N>.
A lot of brown eggs are around the label E.
The babies need more space, more air and more food to grow.
What you need
50-ml infusion bottle, babies of Salina in the 5-ml injection bottles of the previous experiment, 1-ml syringe, Artemia food (Liquecell), spatula from a drinking straw, Artemia salt, scale, Pfennig coin.
* At the sea it is very easy: Bring the babies back into the sea water.
  Do you want to let the babies grow?
* Make your microscale aquarium: Cut the bottom of a plastic bottle (Barakat, Cola, Fanta...)
* Clean it and add a cup of sea water.
* Use your syringe to transfer the Salina babies from the small bottle to your aquarium.
* Once a day add 2 drops of green liquid food.
* Add fresh air for breathing through your syringe.

* So stellts Du Meerwasser selbst her:
  Lege einen Pfennig (2,0 g) auf die rechte Schale deiner Waage,
  fülle so lange Artemia-Salz auf die andere Schale, bis die Waage im Gleichgewicht ist.
* Schütte die 2 Gramm Salz in die Infusionsflasche, und gieße Wasser bis zum 50-ml-Strich.
  Nur zum Schütteln mach den Stopfen auf die Flasche.
* Wenn die Krebschen im Wasser sind, muß Luft in die Flasche können.

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