5. Make electricity from Cola cans and measure it
The autors introduced a digital multimeter measuring millivolt DC.
2. The
children were told to read the first number which was zero at the beginning.
3. Pieces
were cut from a German and a Turk Cola can (Photo 1: Fe and Al).
4. Photo
1: The blonde boy presses the Al piece to one terminal of the meter.
5. The
boy with the black hair presses the Fe piece to the other terminal.
6. The
blonde boy shakes hand with the lady, the second boy and all the other children
shake hand to each other:
....PhotoThey form an electric circuit.
7. Photo
2: As long as this circuit is closed, the meter shows up to 400 mV. The children
shout "4"
8. Photo
3: As soon as one child stops shaking hand to the neighbour the circuit is
open. The children shout "0"
A battery
( = Galvanic Cell) needs two different metals
("electrodes") and a liquid (the surface of the small hands formed this liquid