8. Adsorption of food dyes to active carbon

Two 2 mL syringes 9,  small piece of clay,  2 kinds of active carbon (charcoal): powder (PAC) and granular (GAC)
cotton,   Pasteur pipette (plastic), Well plate 6,  Food dye (red) solution. 3-4 drops in 30 mL water.

1. Remove the plungers from the 2 syringes. Save the plungers for later.
2. Add a small piece of cotton to the lower part of each of the syringes and condense it tightly. Put a piece of clay in the bottom of each syringe.
3. Add to one of the syringes ca. 80 mg PAC and to the second one 80 mg of GAC.
4. To each of the syringes add 2 mL of the dye solution. Put the plungers back in their place and shake the content of the syringes in order to get maximum contact between the active carbon and the solutions.
5. After 45 seconds remove the clay from each syringe and press the gently with the plungers into two wells in the well plate 6. Be careful not to to deliver the carbon powder or grannulas into the wells.
6. Record your observations.

Copyright: Mordechai Livneh.......German.................................last modifications: 14.04.2003