Microscale Chemistry Experimentation for Teachers

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13. Reaction between hexane and bromine: Radical substitution
Left: Mix 25 ml of hexane and 2 drops of bromine in a dropper bottle.
Photo 2: Distribute closed vial with 1 ml of this bromine solution to students.
Photo 3: Expose the vials to strong light (slide or overhead projector, sun).
Photo 4: Effect of starting the reaction by light.
Right: Effect of the gas leaving the liquid on wet yellow universal indicator paper.
Photo 6: Washing of  the product, ..... testing the washing water for acid.
Photo 7:  ..... testing the washing water for bromide ions using silver nitrate solution.
Photo 8: Testing the washed product for bonded bromine by Beilstein Test

Brown bromine disappears, while  hydrogen bromide  and bromohexane are formed:
C6H14(l)  +  Br2(l) -----light----> C6H13Br(l) + HBr(g)
During washing of the products (as well as on the wet UI paper) an acid-base reaction between HBr and water takes place. This results in the formation of hydrobromic acid (HBraq).       For more explanations.
Electrophilic  addition: Bromine and ethene

 Copyright: M.K.El-Marsafy       first published: 1989         last modification:  16.06.2001  back